Course Evaluation

Demonstration of technical and visual skills:

Materials – I have become more adventurous whilst developing through this course. I tried to use my sketchbook throughout my learning, particularly at the beginning where I was less confident using desktop software. In my sketchbook, I tried to use a mixture of pencil sketching, paints, inks, pencil and collage. This then allowed me to later use photoshop by scanning my work onto my pc to allow me to edit my physical work.
For example, for my Assignment 4 work, I tried to incorporate a more physical technique using printing to create a type outline along with creating various patterns, and then manipulated these elements to create individual letters to create my own header font.

Techniques – In regard to my sketchbook work, the majority of my work is pencil or fineliner sketches to test composition and layout, which I could then develop using colour to create a more refined idea of my finished work. As my learning developed, I found great use with Photoshop where I was able to create cleaner images by playing with brightness, contrast, collage; then onto filters, creating thicker and bolder lines, adjusting hues and generally developing my softwafre skills. This particularly came in handy when creating my own sketches and relaying these outlines on a PC to create a standarized outline; for example when making my logo for part 5, The French Hen.

Observational skills – I feel my observational skills were more prominent when researching ideas for inspiration. I found that creating visual diaries and collections of work helped me to develop my own ideas as I was able to seek elements that appealed and corresponded to the work I aim to produce. Earlier on in the course, I collected few images and used my sketchbook to document inspiration; however as time passed, I became more confident in finding images and using these on my learning log; even creating pinterest boards to keep collections. My visual diary became particularly useful during part 3 for research and can be found at

Visual Awareness –  Generally, I would have to admit that at times, my visual awareness fails me as there are several exercises where my tutor has pointed out that my work looks overcrowded and too busy. I perhaps get carried away with collecting ideas for elements that I want to display, and forget that my work needs to be visually appealing to the viewer rather than an overload of how my mind reads a particular theme. I didn’t do well in regard to visual awareness in Assignment 4’s article, but wanted to include this work to compare this to my finished work for Assignment 5’s Annual Review, where I tried to show that by using various gridlines, I was able to hone down on my awareness of space and general composition of elements.

Design and compositional skills – I think my design and composition skills are strong as I feel it is necessary to create thumbnail sketches before I can begin to develop designs and ideas. Despite making pencil/fine liner sketches throughout my learning, I understand that there is definitely room for improvement in regard to developing individual ideas in sequence rather than just selecting one idea. I should allow myself more time to develop several ideas and explore more thoroughly.

Quality of Outcome:

Content – I have found that my content quality varied depending on the brief. I developed and explored some exercises and assignments in much more detail during parts 3 and 5 in particular. I feel that there was a bit of a lull for me during part 4 as the majority focus was on typography and grids, which I felt was less vibrant in terms of research and collecting visual diaries. I have always been more stimulated with visual learning rather than methodical/theory learning and I feel that this is why my content quality may have dipped during part 4.

Application of knowledge – Applying knowledge has been a gradual and constant development for me. Despite feeling confident in historical context knowledge/history of GD, I feel that my general research and idea development has been strong. For example, I had zero knowledge of H G Wells but decided to look into some of his work, and develop ideas to create my own book covers during part 2. I believe that my research skills are strong and alongside my technical skills, I can apply gained knowledge to create effective pieces.

Presentation of work in a coherent manor –  I feel that my presentation is strong as I work through the study guide in order and progress my learning as followed by the book. Alongside this, my learning log is updated with clear titles and navigation links at the top of the page, and so I hope this is helpful to both my tutor and assessors. I have also spent a lengthy amount of time displaying my physical work for assessment, by mounting finished pieces, as well as completing presentation guidelines, contents lists and contact sheet to furthermore try and make navigation of my work as simple as possible.

Discernment – I do not judge my own work well, mainly due to my confidence. I get wrapped in my own ideas and development instead of trying to view the outcome from an outside point of view. However, my tutor feedback has been particularly helpful and I have built on suggestions to make me more open minded; as seen in my final assignment.

Conceptualisation of thoughts – I feel confident that I develop my ideas well throughout my learning with GD1. Mind mapping has been a great tool and helps me to branch initial themes into specific ideas, that way I am able to sketch and draft designs whilst exploring compositions and materials.

Communication of ideas –  I try to be honest as well as critical throughout my learning log. I have completed every possible exercise and assignment by creating various posts on my learning log to try and communicate my ideas and reasoning behind my work throughout the course.

Demonstration of Creativity:

Imagination – Admittedly, not a strong point for me. I rely heavily on seeking alternative inspiration through visual diaries and collections otherwise I often find myself getting stuck if having to create ideas from imagination alone. I have tried to show imagination throughout my learning, by incorporating my own style into asked briefs, e.g. bright vivid and contrasting colours, and geometric pattern. This is particularly prominent in my submission pieces for my last 3 assignments.

Experimentation – I’ve not been too experimental with ideas and realise there is definitely room for improvement in regard to wanting to develop a particular idea through various experiments. I find that once I have an idea in mind, I don’t tend to explore as thoroughly as I should.. There is always room for improvement with experimentation. This is where my time management is my downfall as I often felt I was running out of time to experiment in depth.

Invention – I found that the exercise in part 2; book cover design was a brief that stood out for me in terms of invention. As mentioned already, exploring themes is a great help for me, so by researching plots for my chosen three books, I was able to create mind maps and expand on themes to invent imagery to correspond appropriately. Part 3 – Seeing the Light was equally eye opening by giving basic rules and having free reign to explore and invent unique and interesting compositions and get a real feel for developing composition.

Development of personal voice – I believe my own personal voice has been strong from the offset through my technique and style. However, I do realise through doing this course that I have a stronger interest in creating brands and developing literature as explored for the Chance Housing exercise and Assignment 5 where I chose to develop a charity organisation. Despite not being able to display my personal style preference in these examples, I have been enlightened to the development commitment required for this particular styled brief.


Reflection – My reflection could be improved by referring back to Gibbs’ reflection model as pointed out in my tutor feedback from assignment 3. Regrettably, I only reflected in this method a couple of times and should really begin to make this a natural occurrence after any work as it will help me to critically evaluate my work and help my general learning.

Research – With each brief asked of me, I did well in terms of visual research. However, contextually, there is vast room for improvement. I would like to have spent more time researching artists and designers to broaden my general GD knowledge by analyzing work and reflecting on how it makes me, as a viewer, feel.

I also regret not attending more exhibitions as I only managed to view the London Transport Museum’s exhibition on transport posters which was very interesting and appealing to my own taste and style. I found this difficult whilst living far from the cities and trying to juggle a 40 hour week at work alongside study and home life.


Critical Thinking –  I would drastically like to improve my critical thinking and analysis, again as mentioned above, by incorporating Gibbs’ reflection model on a more regular basis and make this theory part of every piece of work I create.

Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed studying Graphic Design Core Concepts, as I feel more confident in my own technical skills through use of desktop software. I know that I have developed in my own sense of style as well as finding new interests and inspirations through the varied tasks and briefs explored during the course. I particularly enjoyed parts 3 and 5 which were visually stimulating and allowed me to explore and develop my learning in a fun and exciting way; to progress ideas and naturally find out alternative editing methods based on my own work and manipulating images. I understand that I need to become more aware in regard to critical analysis of my work, to enable me to amend and further my development by making the necessary changes that I am not noticing without this vital reflection. I intend to improve future work by creating more effective time management to allow myself that extra time to develop alternative ideas, and time at the end to reflect and make changes to my work that will benefit my knowledge and skills in the long term.

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